• 施耐德APC不间断电源E3MUPS160KH
  • 施耐德APC不间断电源E3MUPS160KH
  • 施耐德APC不间断电源E3MUPS160KH


分类施耐德 质保时间质保一年 产品询价随时 安装方式现场安装 产品分类电源



Easy-to-install, easy-to-connect, easy-to-use, and easy-to-service 160 kVA 3 phase UPS with advanced product features, robust electrical specifications and compact design making your business continuity easy. Ideal for small and medium data centers and other business critical applications, this UPS is EcoStruxure-ready to give you peace of mind with cloud-based remote monitoring and management. It is supplied without batteries, so you can easily customize your battery solution.

施耐德小型自动化产品全系列,软启动器,伺服驱动器,变频器;西门子PLC(S7-200、S7-200 SMART、S7-300、S7-400、S7-1200、S7-1500、ET200S、ET200M、ET200SP)、触摸屏、变频器、工控机、电线电缆、仪器仪表等,产品选型、询价、采购,敬请联系,湖南一方电气设备有限公司。

This product is part of the Modicon STB range, an offer of modular distributed I/O. This standard discrete input kit has 6 discrete inputs with positive or negative logic. It is a discrete input kit with a rated supply voltage of 24V DC and a current consumption of 55mA at 5V DC for logic bus. This product is compatible with most major fieldbus networks. It is an IP20 rated product. Its dimensions are 125mm (width) x 65.1mm (depth) x 18.4mm (height) and weighs 0.112kg. It is suitable for packaging, bottling, assembly, distribution, textile, printing and semiconductor machines applications. This product is certified by FM Class 1 Division 2, CE, UL and CSA. It meets EN/IEC 61131-2 type 3 standards. This kit is suitable for use with I/O base STBXBA1000 and power distribution module STBPDT3100/3105. The kit includes STBDDI3610 module, STBXTS2100, 6-terminal spring clamp connector, STBXTS1100, 6-terminal screw type connector and STBXBA1000 base. The Modicon LMC058 is the optimum solution for axis control and positioning, including automation functions. It forms a part of flexible machine control approach, a key component of MachineStruxure.


Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises


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